Jul 31, 2023
Kiran Gange founded RapidPricer and is currently working on automated pricing and promotions for retailers using image processing, spectral images, IOT data and artificial Intelligence.
In this episode, Kiran shares a dynamic pricing strategy for retailers that increases profits while providing greater value to...
Jul 28, 2023
This is an Impact Pricing Blog published on June 22, 2023, turned into an audio podcast so you can listen on the go.
Read Full Article Here: https://impactpricing.com/blog/help-whats-bigger-than-pricing/
If you have any feedback, definitely send it. You can reach us at mark@impactpricing.com.
Now, go make an impact.
Jul 26, 2023
This one is the 3 of Clubs from the Selling Value card deck.
It really is easier to sell to someone who's already trying to solve a problem or realizes they have a problem and wants to go solve it.
As I've mentioned previously, as a pricing expert, I believe that almost every company can use my services. Almost...
Jul 24, 2023
Robert Edwards specializes in delivering consulting and training for company executives to understand how to optimally price their products and services, monetize their products, maximize value generation and extraction from their product portfolio, and develop their promotions and competitive strategy to increase...
Jul 21, 2023
This is an Impact Pricing Blog published on June 15, 2023, turned into an audio podcast so you can listen on the go.
Read Full Article Here: https://impactpricing.com/blog/the-ikea-effect-and-pricing/
If you have any feedback, definitely send it. You can reach us at mark@impactpricing.com.
Now, go make an impact.